The SEO Guide To Having An Excellent Website Design That Ranks High In The Search Engines
There are millions of sites on the Internet and thousands upon thousands are being setup and added into the fray everyday. How does your website stand-out from the crowd? Having a professionally-done website design with excellent graphics is important but visitors have to land first on your website before they get to enjoy your masterpiece design. For you to succeed, you need a lot of visitors and this can only be achieved if you do SEO on your website design. WHAT IS SEO? According to Wikipedia, SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is defined as the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a website from search engines via "natural" or "organic" search results for targeted keywords. Generally, SEO is classified into three major steps: Keyword Research, On-Page Optimization, and Off-Page Optimization. To improve Search Engine visibility, these steps are repeatedly done regularly until results of the SEO efforts are realized. KEYWORD RESEARCH Keyword...